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Custom Post-Processing

Although the engine already includes some built-in post-processing effects, it does not cover all requirements. Therefore, you can create custom post-processing objects to achieve project-specific post-processing effects. This chapter uses the Gaussian blur effect in a ComputeShader as an example to detail how to implement custom post-processing effects in your project. The core of post-processing involves processing relevant data from the frame buffer after the scene content has been rendered, using either a ComputeShader or a RenderShader, and then rendering it to the screen to achieve a specific rendering effect. For this purpose, we will focus on the following points:

  1. How to create a custom post-processing object
  2. How to read data from the frame buffer
  3. How to render the processed data to the screen

1. Creating a Custom Post-Processing Object

To create a custom post-processing object, you need to create a class that inherits from PostBase and implement methods such as onAttach, onDetach, render, and onResize. For example, the following code creates a post-processing class GaussianBlurPost that inherits from PostBase:

export class GaussianBlurPost extends PostBase {

    constructor() {

    public onAttach(view: View3D) {
        // Called when the post-processing object is attached to the scene

    public onDetach(view: View3D) {
        // Called when the post-processing object is removed from the scene

    public render(view: View3D, command: GPUCommandEncoder) {
        // Called when the post-processing object is rendered

    public onResize(): void {
        // Called when the window size changes

2. Reading Frame Buffer Data

After creating the custom post-processing class, we need to create a ComputeShader object to process the relevant data in the frame buffer and output it to another texture. Before creating the ComputeShader object, we can first create a temporary texture to store the processed data, for example:

let presentationSize = webGPUContext.presentationSize;
this.mBlurResultTexture = new VirtualTexture(presentationSize[0], presentationSize[1], GPUTextureFormat.rgba16float, false, GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC | GPUTextureUsage.STORAGE_BINDING | GPUTextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING); = 'gaussianBlurResultTexture';

The above code retrieves the screen dimensions using webGPUContext.presentationSize and then creates a texture of the same size as the screen using new VirtualTexture. This texture is used to store the processed data, with the format being GPUTextureFormat.rgba16float, which is the format of the color texture attachment in the engine's internal frame buffer. It also grants permissions such as GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC, GPUTextureUsage.STORAGE_BINDING, and GPUTextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING.

With the texture for storing the processed data created, we next need to create a ComputeShader object to handle the specific blur algorithm:

this.mGaussianBlurArgs = new UniformGPUBuffer(28);
this.mGaussianBlurArgs.setFloat('radius', 2);

this.mGaussianBlurShader = new ComputeShader(/* wgsl */ `
    struct GaussianBlurArgs {
        radius: f32,
        retain: vec3<f32>,

    @group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> args: GaussianBlurArgs;
    @group(0) @binding(1) var colorMap: texture_2d<f32>;
    @group(0) @binding(2) var resultTex: texture_storage_2d<rgba16float, write>;

    @compute @workgroup_size(8, 8)
    fn CsMain( @builtin(global_invocation_id) globalInvocation_id: vec3<u32>) {
        var pixelCoord = vec2<i32>(globalInvocation_id.xy);

        var value = vec4<f32>(0.0);
        var count = 0.0;
        let radius = i32(args.radius);
        for (var i = -radius; i < radius; i += 1) {
        for (var j = -radius; j < radius; j += 1) {
            var offset = vec2<i32>(i, j);
            value += textureLoad(colorMap, pixelCoord + offset, 0);
            count += 1.0;

        let result = value / count;
        textureStore(resultTex, pixelCoord, result);
this.mGaussianBlurShader.setUniformBuffer('args', this.mGaussianBlurArgs);
this.mGaussianBlurShader.setSamplerTexture('colorMap', this.getLastRenderTexture());
this.mGaussianBlurShader.setStorageTexture('resultTex', this.mBlurResultTexture);

this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeX = Math.ceil(this.mBlurResultTexture.width / 8);
this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeY = Math.ceil(this.mBlurResultTexture.height / 8);
this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeZ = 1;

In the above code:

  1. A UniformGPUBuffer is created using new UniformGPUBuffer to store the blur parameters.

  2. A ComputeShader object is created using new ComputeShader and three binding groups are added:

    • args is a GaussianBlurArgs type uniform that stores global blur parameters.
    • colorMap is a texture_2d<f32> type texture used to read the color texture attachment from the frame buffer.
    • resultTex is a texture_storage_2d<rgba16float, write> type texture used to output the final blurred result.
  3. After creating the ComputeShader object, it needs to be associated with the relevant data:

    • this.mGaussianBlurShader.setUniformBuffer('args', this.mGaussianBlurArgs) associates the GaussianBlurArgs type UniformGPUBuffer with args.
    • this.mGaussianBlurShader.setSamplerTexture('colorMap', this.getLastRenderTexture()) associates the color texture attachment from the frame buffer with colorMap. this.getLastRenderTexture() is a method from the base class PostBase used to get the texture of the last color attachment.
    • Finally, this.mGaussianBlurShader.setStorageTexture('resultTex', this.mBlurResultTexture) associates the texture for storing the processed result with resultTex.

With the ComputeShader setup complete, we move on to the next step.

3. Rendering the Processed Data

After creating the ComputeShader object, we need to render the processed data to the screen, which is the VirtualTexture object created initially. To associate the processed data with the screen, we use WebGPUDescriptorCreator.createRendererPassState to create a RendererPassState:

let descript = new RTDescriptor();
descript.clearValue = [0, 0, 0, 1];
descript.loadOp = `clear`;
this.mRTFrame = new RTFrame([this.mBlurResultTexture], [descript]);
// Create a render target state and associate it with the post object's rendererPassState
this.rendererPassState = WebGPUDescriptorCreator.createRendererPassState(this.mRTFrame);
this.rendererPassState.label = 'GaussianBlur';
  • RTDescriptor is a render target descriptor used to describe the configuration of the current RT, such as load operations and clear values.
  • RTFrame is a render target frame used to describe the configuration of the current frame, such as textures and texture descriptors.

rendererPassState is a public property of the base class PostBase. By associating the created RendererPassState object, the engine's built-in PostRenderer will automatically render the processed data to the screen.

The complete code is as follows:

class GaussianBlurPost extends PostBase {
    private mGaussianBlurShader: ComputeShader;
    private mGaussianBlurArgs: UniformGPUBuffer;
    private mBlurResultTexture: VirtualTexture;
    private mRTFrame: RTFrame;

    constructor() {

    private createResource() {
        let presentationSize = webGPUContext.presentationSize;

        this.mBlurResultTexture = new VirtualTexture(presentationSize[0], presentationSize[1], GPUTextureFormat.rgba16float, false, GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC | GPUTextureUsage.STORAGE_BINDING | GPUTextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING); = 'gaussianBlurResultTexture';

        let descript = new RTDescriptor();
        descript.clearValue = [0, 0, 0, 1];
        descript.loadOp = `clear`;
        this.mRTFrame = new RTFrame([this.mBlurResultTexture], [descript]);

        this.rendererPassState = WebGPUDescriptorCreator.createRendererPassState(this.mRTFrame);
        this.rendererPassState.label = 'GaussianBlur';

    private createComputeShader() {
        this.mGaussianBlurArgs = new UniformGPUBuffer(28);
        this.mGaussianBlurArgs.setFloat('radius', 2);

        this.mGaussianBlurShader = new ComputeShader(/* wgsl */ `
            struct GaussianBlurArgs {
                radius: f32,
                retain: vec3<f32>,

            @group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> args: GaussianBlurArgs;
            @group(0) @binding(1) var colorMap: texture_2d<f32>;
            @group(0) @binding(2) var resultTex: texture_storage_2d<rgba16float, write>;

            @compute @workgroup_size(8, 8)
            fn CsMain( @builtin(global_invocation_id) globalInvocation_id: vec3<u32>) {
                var pixelCoord = vec2<i32>(globalInvocation_id.xy);

                var value = vec4<f32>(0.0);
                var count = 0.0;
                let radius = i32(args.radius);
                for (var i = -radius; i < radius; i += 1) {
                for (var j = -radius; j < radius; j += 1) {
                    var offset = vec2<i32>(i, j);
                    value += textureLoad(colorMap, pixelCoord + offset, 0);
                    count += 1.0;

                let result = value / count;
                textureStore(resultTex, pixelCoord, result);
        this.mGaussianBlurShader.setUniformBuffer('args', this.mGaussianBlurArgs);
        this.mGaussianBlurShader.setSamplerTexture('colorMap', this.getLastRenderTexture());
        this.mGaussianBlurShader.setStorageTexture('resultTex', this.mBlurResultTexture);

        this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeX = Math.ceil(this.mBlurResultTexture.width / 8);
        this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeY = Math.ceil(this.mBlurResultTexture.height / 8);
        this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeZ = 1;

    public render(view: View3D, command: GPUCommandEncoder) {
        if (!this.mGaussianBlurShader) {

        GPUContext.computeCommand(command, [this.mGaussianBlurShader]);

On the first entry into render, since this.mGaussianBlurShader is not yet initialized, it will enter the createResource and createComputeShader functions to create the necessary resource objects. In createResource, a virtual texture of the screen size is created to store the blurred pixel data. In createComputeShader, a ComputeShader object is created and associated with the relevant parameters. Finally, GPUContext.computeCommand is used to execute the ComputeShader.

Since the screen window size may change, when the window size changes, the size of the blur texture needs to be recalculated, and the texture object needs to be recreated to adapt to the new window size:

class GaussianBlurPost extends PostBase {
    // ...

    public onResize(): void {
        let presentationSize = webGPUContext.presentationSize;
        let w = presentationSize[0];
        let h = presentationSize[1];

        this.mBlurResultTexture.resize(w, h);

        this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeX = Math.ceil(this.mBlurResultTexture.width / 8);
        this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeY = Math.ceil(this.mBlurResultTexture.height / 8);
        this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeZ = 1;


This section uses a Gaussian blur example to introduce how to create a custom post-processing effect in the engine, how to read relevant data from the frame buffer in the post-processor, and how to render the processed data to the screen.

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import { WebGPUDescriptorCreator, PostProcessingComponent, BoxGeometry, CameraUtil, ComputeShader, Engine3D, GPUContext, GPUTextureFormat, LitMaterial, HoverCameraController, MeshRenderer, Object3D, PostBase, RendererPassState, Scene3D, UniformGPUBuffer, VirtualTexture, webGPUContext, RTFrame, RTDescriptor, AtmosphericComponent, View3D, DirectLight } from '@orillusion/core';
import * as dat from 'dat.gui';

class Demo_GaussianBlur {
    async run() {
        await Engine3D.init({
            canvasConfig: {
                devicePixelRatio: 1

        let scene = new Scene3D();
        await this.initScene(scene);

        let mainCamera = CameraUtil.createCamera3DObject(scene);
        mainCamera.perspective(60, Engine3D.aspect, 0.01, 10000.0);

        let ctl = mainCamera.object3D.addComponent(HoverCameraController);
        ctl.setCamera(45, -30, 5);

        scene.addComponent(AtmosphericComponent).sunY = 0.6;

        let light = new Object3D();

        let view = new View3D();
        view.scene = scene; = mainCamera;

        let postProcessing = scene.addComponent(PostProcessingComponent);

    async initScene(scene: Scene3D) {
        var obj = new Object3D();
        let mr = obj.addComponent(MeshRenderer);
        mr.material = new LitMaterial();
        mr.geometry = new BoxGeometry();

class GaussianBlurPost extends PostBase {
    private mGaussianBlurShader: ComputeShader;
    private mGaussianBlurArgs: UniformGPUBuffer;
    private mBlurResultTexture: VirtualTexture;
    private mRTFrame: RTFrame;

    constructor() {

    private createResource() {
        let presentationSize = webGPUContext.presentationSize;

        this.mBlurResultTexture = new VirtualTexture(presentationSize[0], presentationSize[1], GPUTextureFormat.rgba16float, false, GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC | GPUTextureUsage.STORAGE_BINDING | GPUTextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING); = 'gaussianBlurResultTexture';

        let descript = new RTDescriptor();
        descript.clearValue = [0, 0, 0, 1];
        descript.loadOp = `clear`;
        this.mRTFrame = new RTFrame([this.mBlurResultTexture], [descript]);

        this.rendererPassState = WebGPUDescriptorCreator.createRendererPassState(this.mRTFrame);
        this.rendererPassState.label = 'GaussianBlur';

    private createComputeShader() {
        this.mGaussianBlurArgs = new UniformGPUBuffer(28);
        this.mGaussianBlurArgs.setFloat('radius', 2);

        this.mGaussianBlurShader = new ComputeShader(/* wgsl */ `
            struct GaussianBlurArgs {
                radius: f32,
                retain: vec3<f32>,

            @group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> args: GaussianBlurArgs;
            @group(0) @binding(1) var colorMap: texture_2d<f32>;
            @group(0) @binding(2) var resultTex: texture_storage_2d<rgba16float, write>;

            @compute @workgroup_size(8, 8)
            fn CsMain( @builtin(global_invocation_id) globalInvocation_id: vec3<u32>) {
                var pixelCoord = vec2<i32>(globalInvocation_id.xy);

                var value = vec4<f32>(0.0);
                var count = 0.0;
                let radius = i32(args.radius);
                for (var i = -radius; i < radius; i += 1) {
                for (var j = -radius; j < radius; j += 1) {
                    var offset = vec2<i32>(i, j);
                    value += textureLoad(colorMap, pixelCoord + offset, 0);
                    count += 1.0;

                let result = value / count;
                textureStore(resultTex, pixelCoord, result);
        this.mGaussianBlurShader.setUniformBuffer('args', this.mGaussianBlurArgs);
        this.mGaussianBlurShader.setSamplerTexture('colorMap', this.getLastRenderTexture());
        this.mGaussianBlurShader.setStorageTexture(`resultTex`, this.mBlurResultTexture);

        this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeX = Math.ceil(this.mBlurResultTexture.width / 8);
        this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeY = Math.ceil(this.mBlurResultTexture.height / 8);
        this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeZ = 1;


    public debug() {
        const GUIHelp = new dat.GUI();
        GUIHelp.add(this.mGaussianBlurArgs.memoryNodes.get(`radius`), `x`, 1, 10, 1)
            .name('Blur Radius')
            .onChange(() => {

    public render(view: View3D, command: GPUCommandEncoder) {
        if (!this.mGaussianBlurShader) {

        GPUContext.computeCommand(command, [this.mGaussianBlurShader]);

    public onResize(): void {
        let presentationSize = webGPUContext.presentationSize;
        let w = presentationSize[0];
        let h = presentationSize[1];

        this.mBlurResultTexture.resize(w, h);

        this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeX = Math.ceil(this.mBlurResultTexture.width / 8);
        this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeY = Math.ceil(this.mBlurResultTexture.height / 8);
        this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeZ = 1;


new Demo_GaussianBlur().run();

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