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Engine3D is the only global instance of the engine core, with the following main methods:

  1. Call Engine3D.init() to initialize the engine
  2. Call Engine3D.startRenderView() to start the view rendering loop
  3. Engine3D.res loads network textures or model resources, see more in Resource Loading
  4. Engine3D.inputSystem manages user input events, see more in Interaction
  5. Engine3D.setting configures rendering-related features, see more in Config


Use Engine3D.init() method to initialize the engine. The default parameters can be empty.

The initialization of the engine requires a request for the GPU device, and the initialization request for the GPU device is an asynchronous process, so it needs to be called asynchronously. We recommend using the async/await field to call it.

    // ...
// Or
async function run(){
    await Engine3D.init();
    // ...

Render Loop Callback

To get the rendering main loop callback, you can pass in parameters when initializing, and execute custom logic in the callback.

await Engine3D.init({
    beforeRender: ()=>{
        // Callback before each frame rendering
    renderLoop: ()=>{
        // Callback for each frame
    lateRender: ()=>{
        // Callback after each frame rendering

Config Canvas

In addition to configuring the rendering callback, you can also specify the canvas to be rendered when initializing. If not specified, an opaque canvas that covers the entire window will be created by default.

await Engine3D.init({
        canvas: document.getElementById("xxx"), // Specify the canvas element, you can customize the canvas size or layout
        alpha: true, // Whether the background is transparent, default false
        zIndex: 1, // CSS z-index, default 0
        backgroundImage: "path/to/bg", // Background image when alpha is transparent
        devicePixelRatio: 1 // Rendering DPR, default window.devicePixelRatio


Lower devicePixelRatio can effectively reduce rendering pressure, improve rendering performance, but at the same time rendering resolution will also decrease, may increase the aliasing effect

For more detailed configuration, please refer to CanvasConfig

Start Rendering

After the engine is initialized, you need to create a View3D to start rendering. View3D needs at least one scene Scene3D and one camera Camera3D to start the rendering task, the basic usage is as follows:

await Engine3D.init();
// Create a scene
this.scene = new Scene3D();

// Start rendering
let view = new View3D();
view.scene = this.scene; =;

// Pause rendering loop
// Resume rendering loop

See more in Engine3D API

Released under the MIT License