SSR is a screen-space reflection effect that simulates the visual effect of smooth surfaces reflecting the surrounding objects' images in real-time. The reflection effect has the advantages of real-time rendering. When an object moves, the reflected objects in the image also move. And it can reflect precisely from each pixel. The disadvantage is that it cannot reflect the backside of an object, and objects outside the screen cannot reflect onto other objects.
//Engine initialization
await Engine3D.init();
// Setting SSR parameters
Engine3D.setting.render.postProcessing.ssr.fadeEdgeRatio = 0.2;
Engine3D.setting.render.postProcessing.ssr.rayMarchRatio = 0.5;
Engine3D.setting.render.postProcessing.ssr.fadeDistanceMin = 600;
Engine3D.setting.render.postProcessing.ssr.fadeDistanceMax = 2000;
Engine3D.setting.render.postProcessing.ssr.roughnessThreshold = 0.5;
Engine3D.setting.render.postProcessing.ssr.powDotRN = 0.2;
// Add SSRPost
let postProcessing = this.scene.addComponent(PostProcessingComponent);
//Start rendering
let view = new View3D();
view.scene = this.scene; =;
Engine3D.setting.render.postProcessing.ssr Configuration parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
fadeEdgeRatio | number | Gradient speed. |
rayMarchRatio | number | Light step speed. |
fadeDistanceMin | number | Minimum fading distance. |
fadeDistanceMax | number | Maximum fading distance. |
roughnessThreshold | number | Roughness threshold. |
powDotRN | number | pow parameter of normal and reflection dot product. |
import { DirectLight, Engine3D, View3D, LitMaterial, HoverCameraController, KelvinUtil, MeshRenderer, Object3D, PlaneGeometry, Scene3D, SphereGeometry, SSRPost, Time, CameraUtil, webGPUContext, PostProcessingComponent, BloomPost, AtmosphericComponent } from '@orillusion/core';
import * as dat from 'dat.gui';
class Sample_SSR {
lightObj: Object3D;
scene: Scene3D;
mats: any[];
constructor() {}
async run() {
Engine3D.setting.shadow.enable = true;
Engine3D.setting.shadow.shadowSize = 2048
Engine3D.setting.shadow.shadowBound = 200;
Engine3D.setting.shadow.shadowBias = 0.05;
await Engine3D.init({
canvasConfig: {
devicePixelRatio: 1
renderLoop: () => this.loop()
this.scene = new Scene3D();
this.scene.addComponent(AtmosphericComponent).sunY = 0.6;
let mainCamera = CameraUtil.createCamera3DObject(this.scene, 'camera');
mainCamera.perspective(60, webGPUContext.aspect, 1, 2000.0);
let ctrl = mainCamera.object3D.addComponent(HoverCameraController);
ctrl.setCamera(-75, -20, 40);
await this.initScene(this.scene);
let view = new View3D();
view.scene = this.scene; = mainCamera;
let postProcessing = this.scene.addComponent(PostProcessingComponent);
async initScene(scene: Scene3D) {
/******** light *******/
this.lightObj = new Object3D();
this.lightObj.rotationX = 15;
this.lightObj.rotationY = 110;
this.lightObj.rotationZ = 0;
let lc = this.lightObj.addComponent(DirectLight);
lc.lightColor = KelvinUtil.color_temperature_to_rgb(5355);
lc.castShadow = true;
lc.intensity = 10;
// load test model
let minimalObj = await Engine3D.res.loadGltf('');
minimalObj.scaleX = minimalObj.scaleY = minimalObj.scaleZ = 1000;
minimalObj.y = -1.1
minimalObj.forChild((obj: Object3D) => {
let mr = obj.getComponent(MeshRenderer)
if (mr && mr.material) {
if ( == 'ToyCar') {
let mat = mr.material as LitMaterial;
mat.metallic = 0.9;
mat.roughness = 0.1;
mat.clearcoatFactor = 0.5;
await this.createPlane(scene);
return true;
private sphere: Object3D;
private async createPlane(scene: Scene3D) {
const GUIHelp = new dat.GUI();
let floorMaterial = new LitMaterial();
floorMaterial.roughness = 0.1;
floorMaterial.metallic = 1;
let planeGeometry = new PlaneGeometry(200, 200);
let floor: Object3D = new Object3D();
let mr = floor.addComponent(MeshRenderer);
mr.material = floorMaterial;
mr.geometry = planeGeometry;
let f = GUIHelp.addFolder('floor')
f.add(floorMaterial, 'roughness', 0.01, 1, 0.01);
f.add(floorMaterial, 'metallic', 0.01, 1, 0.01);
let mat = new LitMaterial();
mat.roughness = 0.1;
mat.metallic = 0.9;
let sphereGeometry = new SphereGeometry(10, 50, 50);
let obj: Object3D = new Object3D();
let mr = obj.addComponent(MeshRenderer);
mr.material = mat;
mr.geometry = sphereGeometry;
obj.x = 30;
obj.y = 10;
this.sphere = obj;
let f = GUIHelp.addFolder('Sphere')
f.add(mat, 'roughness', 0.01, 1, 0.01);
f.add(mat, 'metallic', 0.01, 1, 0.01);
let sphereGeometry = new SphereGeometry(2, 50, 50);
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i += 2) {
for (let j = 0; j < 10; j += 2) {
let rmMaterial = new LitMaterial();
rmMaterial.roughness = j / 10;
rmMaterial.metallic = i / 10;
let obj: Object3D = new Object3D();
let mr = obj.addComponent(MeshRenderer);
mr.material = rmMaterial;
mr.geometry = sphereGeometry;
obj.y = j * 5 + 10;
obj.x = 50;
obj.z = i * 5 - 25;
private loop(): void {
if (this.sphere) {
this.sphere.x = Math.sin(Time.time * 0.0001) * 30;
this.sphere.z = Math.cos(Time.time * 0.0001) * 30;
new Sample_SSR().run();