Shader Example
GPU Buffer
Before using the compute shader
, we need to understand the data types in the compute shader
. For convenience, we encapsulate the following data Buffer
Type | Description |
ComputeGPUBuffer | Commonly used data buffer encapsulation object |
UniformGPUBuffer | Encapsulation object of Uniform data buffer |
StorageGPUBuffer | Encapsulation object of Storage data buffer |
StructStorageGPUBuffer | Encapsulation object of Storage data buffer based on structure |
Usage of ComputeGPUBuffer
is a commonly used data Buffer
object. This object accepts two parameters, the data size and an optional data source:
// Create a ComputeGPUBuffer data object with a size of 64 float32
var buffer = new ComputeGPUBuffer(64);
// Create a ComputeGPUBuffer data object and give it initial data
var data = new Float32Array(64);
data[0] = 1;
data[1] = 2;
data[2] = 3;
var buffer2 = new ComputeGPUBuffer(data.length, data);
// Create a ComputeGPUBuffer data object with a size of 64 float32
var buffer3 = new ComputeGPUBuffer(64);
// Set the data of this object
buffer3.setFloat32Array("data", data);
// Apply the update (will be synchronized to GPU)
Usage of UniformGPUBuffer
is an encapsulation object of Uniform
type data buffer. This object has the same usage as ComputeGPUBuffer
described above. It also accepts two parameters, the data size and an optional data source:
// Create a UniformGPUBuffer data object with a size of 32 float32
var buffer = new UniformGPUBuffer(32);
// Create a UniformGPUBuffer data object and give it initial data
var data = new Float32Array(64);
data[0] = 1;
data[1] = 2;
data[2] = 3;
var buffer2 = new UniformGPUBuffer(data.length, data);
// Create a UniformGPUBuffer data object with a size of 64 float32
var buffer3 = new UniformGPUBuffer(64);
// Set the data of this object
buffer3.setFloat32Array("data", data);
// Apply the update (will be synchronized to GPU)
Usage of StorageGPUBuffer
is an encapsulation object of Storage
type data buffer. Its usage is the same as that of ComputeGPUBuffer
and UniformGPUBuffer
, and is not described here.
Usage of StructStorageGPUBuffer
is an encapsulation object of Storage
data buffer based on structure. This object accepts two parameters, the structure type and the number of structure objects:
class MyStructA extends Struct {
public x: number = 0;
public y: number = 0;
public z: number = 0;
public w: number = 0;
// Create a StructStorageGPUBuffer with 1 MyStructA element
var buffer1 = new StructStorageGPUBuffer(MyStructA, 1);
// Create a StructStorageGPUBuffer with 3 MyStructA elements (equivalent to a one-dimensional array with a length of 3)
var buffer2 = new StructStorageGPUBuffer(MyStructA, 3);
// Set the value of MyStructA with an index of 2
var value = new MyStructA();
value.x = 100;
buffer2.setStruct(MyStructA, 2, value);
// Apply the update (will be synchronized to GPU)
Compute Shader
To make it convenient to use, we have encapsulated a ComputeShader
object that accepts a piece of WGSL code as an initialization parameter, for example:
this.mGaussianBlurShader = new ComputeShader(cs_shader);
Here's what cs_shader
looks like:
struct GaussianBlurArgs {
radius: f32,
retain: vec3<f32>,
@group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> args: GaussianBlurArgs;
@group(0) @binding(1) var colorMap: texture_2d<f32>;
@group(0) @binding(2) var resultTex: texture_storage_2d<rgba16float, write>;
@compute @workgroup_size(8, 8)
fn CsMain( @builtin(global_invocation_id) globalInvocation_id: vec3<u32>) {
var pixelCoord = vec2<i32>(globalInvocation_id.xy);
var value = vec4<f32>(0.0);
var count = 0.0;
let radius = i32(args.radius);
for (var i = -radius; i < radius; i += 1) {
for (var j = -radius; j < radius; j += 1) {
var offset = vec2<i32>(i, j);
value += textureLoad(colorMap, pixelCoord + offset, 0);
count += 1.0;
let result = value / count;
textureStore(resultTex, pixelCoord, result);
We will not go into too much detail about the basic syntax of WGSL here. For more information, please refer to WebGPU Shader Language.
After the ComputeShader
object is created, we need to associate it with the relevant data it uses, which are various GPU Buffer
and Texture
used in the code above(args
is of the uniform
data type and is used to store configuration information, so we create a UniformGPUBuffer
object to manage the data:
this.mGaussianBlurArgs = new UniformGPUBuffer(28);
this.mGaussianBlurArgs.setFloat('radius', 2);
After args
data is prepared, we also need to associate it with the ComputeShader
object for access duringComputeShader
this.mGaussianBlurShader.setUniformBuffer('args', this.mGaussianBlurArgs);
is the original texture to be blurred. Here we can use the getLastRenderTexture()
from postBase
to obtain the texture of the last rendered screen and associate it with the colorMap
of the ComputeShader
this.mGaussianBlurShader.setSamplerTexture('colorMap', this.getLastRenderTexture());
is the blurred result texture. We need to create a new empty texture to store it:
// Get presentation size (full screen size)
let presentationSize = webGPUContext.presentationSize;
// Create an empty VirtualTexture
this.mBlurResultTexture = new VirtualTexture(presentationSize[0], presentationSize[1], GPUTextureFormat.rgba16float, false, GPUTextureUsage.STORAGE_BINDING | GPUTextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING); = 'gaussianBlurResultTexture';
// Set RTDescriptor's relevant parameters (data loading behavior of VirtualTexture, etc.)
let descript = new RTDescriptor();
descript.clearValue = [0, 0, 0, 1];
descript.loadOp = `clear`;
this.mRTFrame = new RTFrame([
// Associate the texture with the ComputeShader
this.mGaussianBlurShader.setStorageTexture(`resultTex`, this.mBlurResultTexture);
At this point, the initialization of the ComputeShader
, and the creation and the association of relevant GPU Buffer
and Texture
have been completed. Next, we need to execute the ComputeShader
. Before executing, we need to set the number of workgroups according to the requirements, which are the parameters workerSizeX
, workerSizeY
,and workerSizeZ
this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeX = Math.ceil(this.mBlurResultTexture.width / 8);
this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeY = Math.ceil(this.mBlurResultTexture.height / 8);
this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeZ = 1; // default is 1, can be omitted here
The parameters workerSizeX
, andworkerSizeZ
represent the number of workgroups dispatched for computation, as shown in the figure:
Each red cube represents a workgroup, which is defined by the built-in field @workgroup_size(x,y,z)
in WGSL. The default values of x,y,z
are 1
. For example, the workgroup of the red cube in the figure can be represented by @workgroup_size(4,4,4)
. In WGSL, the built-in variable global_invocation_id
represents the global dispatch number, and local_invocation_id
represents the local dispatch number of the workgroup. The global and local numbers of points a, b, and c in the figure are as follows:
Position | Local ID | Global ID |
a | 0,0,0 | 0,0,0 |
b | 0,0,0 | 4,0,0 |
c | 1,1,0 | 5,5,0 |
Finally, execute the ComputeShader
by entering the dispatch command:
GPUContext.computeCommand(command, [this.mGaussianBlurShader]);
In this section, we introduced how to use Compute Shader
in the engine using an example of Gaussian blur. We explained how to create various GPU Buffer
objects used by ComputeShader
, how to assign values to GPU Buffer
objects, and how to set parameters for ComputeShader
dispatch. For more ComputeShader
related examples, please refer to:
import { WebGPUDescriptorCreator, PostProcessingComponent, BoxGeometry, CameraUtil, ComputeShader, Engine3D, GPUContext, GPUTextureFormat, LitMaterial, HoverCameraController, MeshRenderer, Object3D, PostBase, RendererPassState, Scene3D, UniformGPUBuffer, VirtualTexture, webGPUContext, RTFrame, RTDescriptor, AtmosphericComponent, View3D, DirectLight } from '@orillusion/core';
import * as dat from 'dat.gui';
class Demo_GaussianBlur {
async run() {
await Engine3D.init({
canvasConfig: {
devicePixelRatio: 1
let scene = new Scene3D();
await this.initScene(scene);
let mainCamera = CameraUtil.createCamera3DObject(scene);
mainCamera.perspective(60, Engine3D.aspect, 0.01, 10000.0);
let ctl = mainCamera.object3D.addComponent(HoverCameraController);
ctl.setCamera(45, -30, 5);
scene.addComponent(AtmosphericComponent).sunY = 0.6;
let light = new Object3D();
let view = new View3D();
view.scene = scene; = mainCamera;
let postProcessing = scene.addComponent(PostProcessingComponent);
async initScene(scene: Scene3D) {
var obj = new Object3D();
let mr = obj.addComponent(MeshRenderer);
mr.material = new LitMaterial();
mr.geometry = new BoxGeometry();
class GaussianBlurPost extends PostBase {
private mGaussianBlurShader: ComputeShader;
private mGaussianBlurArgs: UniformGPUBuffer;
private mBlurResultTexture: VirtualTexture;
private mRTFrame: RTFrame;
constructor() {
private createResource() {
let presentationSize = webGPUContext.presentationSize;
this.mBlurResultTexture = new VirtualTexture(presentationSize[0], presentationSize[1], GPUTextureFormat.rgba16float, false, GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC | GPUTextureUsage.STORAGE_BINDING | GPUTextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING); = 'gaussianBlurResultTexture';
let descript = new RTDescriptor();
descript.clearValue = [0, 0, 0, 1];
descript.loadOp = `clear`;
this.mRTFrame = new RTFrame([this.mBlurResultTexture], [descript]);
this.rendererPassState = WebGPUDescriptorCreator.createRendererPassState(this.mRTFrame);
this.rendererPassState.label = 'GaussianBlur';
private createComputeShader() {
this.mGaussianBlurArgs = new UniformGPUBuffer(28);
this.mGaussianBlurArgs.setFloat('radius', 2);
this.mGaussianBlurShader = new ComputeShader(/* wgsl */ `
struct GaussianBlurArgs {
radius: f32,
retain: vec3<f32>,
@group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> args: GaussianBlurArgs;
@group(0) @binding(1) var colorMap: texture_2d<f32>;
@group(0) @binding(2) var resultTex: texture_storage_2d<rgba16float, write>;
@compute @workgroup_size(8, 8)
fn CsMain( @builtin(global_invocation_id) globalInvocation_id: vec3<u32>) {
var pixelCoord = vec2<i32>(globalInvocation_id.xy);
var value = vec4<f32>(0.0);
var count = 0.0;
let radius = i32(args.radius);
for (var i = -radius; i < radius; i += 1) {
for (var j = -radius; j < radius; j += 1) {
var offset = vec2<i32>(i, j);
value += textureLoad(colorMap, pixelCoord + offset, 0);
count += 1.0;
let result = value / count;
textureStore(resultTex, pixelCoord, result);
this.mGaussianBlurShader.setUniformBuffer('args', this.mGaussianBlurArgs);
this.mGaussianBlurShader.setSamplerTexture('colorMap', this.getLastRenderTexture());
this.mGaussianBlurShader.setStorageTexture(`resultTex`, this.mBlurResultTexture);
this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeX = Math.ceil(this.mBlurResultTexture.width / 8);
this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeY = Math.ceil(this.mBlurResultTexture.height / 8);
this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeZ = 1;
public debug() {
const GUIHelp = new dat.GUI();
GUIHelp.add(this.mGaussianBlurArgs.memoryNodes.get(`radius`), `x`, 1, 10, 1)
.name('Blur Radius')
.onChange(() => {
public render(view: View3D, command: GPUCommandEncoder) {
if (!this.mGaussianBlurShader) {
GPUContext.computeCommand(command, [this.mGaussianBlurShader]);
public onResize(): void {
let presentationSize = webGPUContext.presentationSize;
let w = presentationSize[0];
let h = presentationSize[1];
this.mBlurResultTexture.resize(w, h);
this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeX = Math.ceil(this.mBlurResultTexture.width / 8);
this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeY = Math.ceil(this.mBlurResultTexture.height / 8);
this.mGaussianBlurShader.workerSizeZ = 1;
new Demo_GaussianBlur().run();