import { Engine3D, Scene3D, CameraUtil, HoverCameraController, Object3D, View3D, Color, Camera3D, ViewPanel, UITextField, TextAnchor, ComponentBase, AtmosphericComponent, webGPUContext, CResizeEvent } from '@orillusion/core';
class Sample_TextBarrage {
private scene: Scene3D;
private camera: Camera3D;
async run() {
// init engine
await Engine3D.init();
// create new Scene
let scene = new Scene3D();
this.scene = scene;
// load base font
await Engine3D.res.loadFont('https://cdn.orillusion.com/fnt/0.fnt');
// add an Atmospheric sky enviroment
let sky = scene.addComponent(AtmosphericComponent);
sky.sunY = 0.6;
// init camera3D
let mainCamera = CameraUtil.createCamera3D(null, scene);
mainCamera.perspective(60, Engine3D.aspect, 1, 2000.0);
this.camera = mainCamera;
// add a basic camera controller
const hoverCameraController = mainCamera.object3D.addComponent(HoverCameraController);
hoverCameraController.setCamera(0, 0, 20);
// create a view with target scene and camera
let view = new View3D();
view.scene = scene;
view.camera = mainCamera;
// create UIpanel root
let panelRoot: Object3D = new Object3D();
const panel = panelRoot.addComponent(ViewPanel);
// resize panel radio
webGPUContext.addEventListener(CResizeEvent.RESIZE, () => panel.uiTransform.resize(Engine3D.width, Engine3D.height), this);
// add to UIcanvas
let canvas = view.enableUICanvas();
// Create text barrage
const textCount = 100;
for (let i = 0; i < textCount; ++i) {
const textQuad = new Object3D();
const text = textQuad.addComponent(UITextField);
text.color = new Color(1, 1, 1);
text.fontSize = 32;
text.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
text.uiTransform.resize(300, 12);
// Init and reset text barrage animation
const barrage = textQuad.addComponent(TextBarrageAnimation);
barrage.camera = this.camera;
barrage.priorityOffset = textCount;
// start render
class TextBarrageAnimation extends ComponentBase {
// prettier-ignore
static words = [ "GALACEAN", "galacean", "HELLO", "hello", "WORLD", "world", "TEXT", "text", "PEACE", "peace", "LOVE", "love", "abcdefg", "hijklmn", "opqrst", "uvwxyz", "ABCDEFG", "HIJKLMN", "OPQRST", "UVWXYZ", "~!@#$", "%^&*", "()_+" ];
static colors = new Array(10).fill(1).map(() => Color.random());
public camera: Camera3D;
public priorityOffset: number = 0;
private _speed: number = 0;
private _isPlaying: boolean = false;
private _text: UITextField;
private lastTime: number = 0;
play() {
this._isPlaying = true;
start(): void {
this._text = this.object3D.getComponent(UITextField);
this.lastTime = Date.now();
onUpdate(): void {
if (this._isPlaying) {
const now = Date.now();
const dt = now - this.lastTime;
this.lastTime = now;
let halfWidth = Engine3D.width * 0.5,
halfHeight = Engine3D.height * 0.5;
let { x, y, width, height } = this._text.uiTransform;
// move text to left
this._text.uiTransform.x += this._speed * dt;
// reset text position after pass the left side of the screen
if (x < -halfWidth - width) {
// limit y position in view port
if (y < -halfHeight + height) this._text.uiTransform.y = -halfHeight + height;
else if (y > halfHeight - height) this._text.uiTransform.y = halfHeight - height;
private _reset(isFirst: boolean) {
const text = this._text;
const { words, colors } = TextBarrageAnimation;
// Reset the text to render
const wordLastIndex = words.length - 1;
text.text = `${words[getRandomNum(0, wordLastIndex)]} ${words[getRandomNum(0, wordLastIndex)]}`;
// Reset color
text.color = colors[getRandomNum(0, colors.length - 1)];
const halfWidth = Engine3D.width * 0.5;
const halfHeight = Engine3D.height * 0.5;
// Reset position
this._text.uiTransform.x = isFirst ? getRandomNum(halfWidth, halfWidth * 3) : halfWidth + this._text.uiTransform.width;
this._text.uiTransform.y = getRandomNum(-halfHeight + this._text.uiTransform.height, halfHeight - this._text.uiTransform.height);
// Reset speed
this._speed = getRandomNum(-500, -200) * 0.0003;
* Get a random number between min and max
* @param min
* @param max
function getRandomNum(min: number, max: number): number {
const range = max - min;
const rand = Math.random();
return min + Math.round(rand * range);
new Sample_TextBarrage().run();